Subject : Body

1. beard n. (下巴的)鬍鬚,山羊鬍
The man with a beard looks familiar

2.cheek n. 臉頰;腮幫子, 【口】傲慢態度,無禮
The little girl has rosy cheeks.
He had the cheek to ask me for money

3.chest n.胸,胸膛; 金庫;資金
(n.) He has a severe pain in the chest

4.elbow n. 手肘; v.用肘推
(v.) He elbowed his way over to where we stood

5.eyebrow n. 眉,眉毛
I can't go to the movie -- I'm up to my eyebrow

6.heel n. 腳後跟,踵, 卑鄙的人,可惡的人
I have a blister on my heel because my shoe is too tight

7.lip n. 嘴唇; v.用嘴唇碰,輕聲說出
After a moment's hesitation she lipped her request

8.nail n. (手,腳的)指甲,(鳥,獸的)爪;v. 抓住,捕獲
(v.) We finally nailed the thief

9. waist n. 腰,腰部
She tied an apron around her waist.

10. wrist n.腕;腕關節
She grabbed her husband by the wrist and dragged him away

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