1. approximately ad. 大概
How much will the tax and service charge be approximately.

2. supplementary a. 追加的
Are there any supplementary charges.

3. deposit n. 保證金
We will need a one-night's deposit. That'll be eighty-five dollars.

4. receipt n. 收據
Here's your receipt, and your key

5. voucher n. (旅館)包含帳單、收據地一種表格
May I see your card, please? You can sign the voucher when you check out

6. bellboy n. (旅館、俱樂部等的)男侍
Here's your key. Your room is 731. The bellboy will take your bags abd
show you to your room.

7. bathtub n. 浴缸
Tell me how to use the bathtub.

8. staircase n. 樓梯
Where is the emergency exit and staircase.

9. tap water n. (未經煮開的)自來水
Is your tap water fit to drink?

10. shoeshine n. 擦皮鞋
Is there a shoeshine service in the hotel?

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