Subject: House

1. estate n. 地產
He is a real estate agent.

2. basement n. 地下室
Please go into the basement when the alarm is ringing.

3. brick n. 磚塊 a. 磚砌的
The house is brick, not wood.

4. concrete jungle n. "水泥叢林"(指都市中建築物密密麻麻,雜亂無章的區域)

5. trim n. 門,窗等的)鑲邊飾,細木工;木飾條 v. 削減
The government is going to trim welfare programs.

6. run-down a. 失修的
I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up.

7. split-level a. 房內或屋內有不同高度的;錯層的
It's a split-level, three bedroom house.

8. yard n. 院子
She raises chickens in the yard.

9. acre n. 英畝
It's a one-acre lot with some nice sized trees and a very pretty flower garden in back.

10. neighborhood n. 鄰近地區
They live in the neighborhood of the TV station.

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